Nuestra Historia

KMG nació con un propósito claro: rescatar la profesión jurídica y transformar vidas a través del derecho. Desde nuestro inicio, hemos defendido a quienes necesitan justicia con transparencia y compromiso

A person in a black suit stands by an open car door, assisting a person with long hair and a black dress into the back seat of a black sedan parked on a sidewalk. The setting appears to be an urban street.
A person in a black suit stands by an open car door, assisting a person with long hair and a black dress into the back seat of a black sedan parked on a sidewalk. The setting appears to be an urban street.
Excelentes profesionales y atención personalizada.

Juan Pérez


Nuestros Valores

Creemos en la transparencia, el compromiso, la excelencia y la humanidad. Estos valores nos guían en cada caso que asumimos

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile



Abogados con mas de

Casos Exitosos

años de experiencia

a yellow smiley face
a yellow smiley face

”Impressed with the efficiency and professionalism. The entire process was smooth and hassle-free.”

- Jose P.

Nuestro Equipo

Un grupo de profesionales con amplia experiencia en derecho, comprometidos con tu bienestar

a yellow smiley face
a yellow smiley face
a yellow smiley face
a yellow smiley face
a yellow smiley face
a yellow smiley face
a yellow smiley face
a yellow smiley face

”Impressed with the efficiency and professionalism. The entire process was smooth and hassle-free.”

- Rocío .

”Impressed with the efficiency and professionalism. The entire process was smooth and hassle-free.”

- Jose P.

”Impressed with the efficiency and professionalism. The entire process was smooth and hassle-free.”

- Jose P.

”Impressed with the efficiency and professionalism. The entire process was smooth and hassle-free.”

- Jose P.

Asesoría Legal

Brindamos soluciones efectivas en accidentes de tránsito y procesos administrativos policiales.

A road lined with trees on either side is partially blocked by a barrier indicating it is an accident-prone area. The sky is clear and blue, and there is a sidewalk alongside the road.
A road lined with trees on either side is partially blocked by a barrier indicating it is an accident-prone area. The sky is clear and blue, and there is a sidewalk alongside the road.
Confianza Jurídica

Transformamos vidas a través del derecho, garantizando transparencia y compromiso en cada caso que atendemos, empoderando a nuestros clientes con información clave para enfrentar sus problemas legales.

Innovación Legal

Combinamos experiencia e innovación para ofrecer asesoría accesible y confiable, simplificando procesos complejos y generando confianza en la justicia para nuestros clientes en Ecuador.


KMG Consorcio Jurídico se encuentra en Ecuador, ofreciendo asesoría legal accesible y confiable para resolver problemas legales de manera efectiva.


Tabacundo, Marco Reinoso y 28B Via a Guayllabamba


Lunes a Viernes